Dear Friend:
Maybe you have concluded:
- it is best to end it all…
- you can’t handle life any more…
- your family would be better without you…
But, have you thought of where you are going?
Maybe you are seeking to be free from the judging eyes of family, friends or the community, but do you know what comes after death? Is it truly the release you are looking for?
God who SEES all and KNOWS all tells us that “after death comes judgment” (Heb 9:27b) Are you ready for that final judgment?
Are you ready to meet your creator? Are you ready to meet the one who wonderfully (Ps139:13-17) formed you in your mother’s womb, gave you life, breath and strength (Acts 17:24-27) for each moment of every day? He is called the just judge of all the world and so He will judge everyone who passes from life into death based on what they have done with what He has given them – based on the whole truth.
“There is HOPE for all who realize they have failed”
This judgment is not like anything else you’ve ever experienced! God SEES all and KNOWS all, even those things we have long forgotten are written in His books (Rev 20:12) – everything we have ever done and thought! At that judgment every single thing will be revealed and judged; it is a fearful place!
However, there is hope for you even though you think it is better to end it all. There is HOPE for all who realize they have failed, they have disappointed themselves, they have offended or disappointed their family and most importantly they have offended God.
It is often when we are at our lowest that God is able to speak through all the darkness, confusion and noise and to speak into our situation by bringing light and hope. Why would He do this? Because He is Light (John 8:12), He is Hope and He is Love (1Jn 4:16). As one who formed us, He has a personal interest in our body, our life, and our future, so He actively seeks to catch our attention so that He can give us the Light, Hope and Love He is which is found only in Christ Jesus the Lord.
Knowing our desperate situation, God did something about it because He cares! “God demonstrated His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Christ Jesus came knowing your problem, knowing what is going on, knowing ALL about you! He came and took your place by suffering the punishment you should have taken due to your sin – he did that on the cross of Calvary. All sin has consequences but also must be punished, however, God chose to place your punishment on Christ so that you – if you place your faith on what God has done through Christ – so that you can be saved and given hope.
“God’s desire is to show His power by changing each saved person”
This is God’s love in action, but it doesn’t end there! Once you trusts that Christ Jesus “died for [your] sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” (1 Corinthians 15:3), you receive the forgiveness of sins because God is satisfied with the payment Christ Jesus did. On top of that, each person who trusts Christ Jesus as their personal saviour is “sealed with the holy spirit of promise, which is the ernest [down-payment or deposit or guarantee] of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession” (Ephesians 1:13-14). In other words each person who is saved, is sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, as a promise guaranteeing that person is redeemed and going to be taken to heaven when they die. The Holy Spirit then works inside of each saved person to change them from the inside, so that God can show His power (Romans 1:16) in the life of each saved person. God’s desire is to show His power by changing each saved person, each person who has become His child, into someone whose actions show they are a child of God.
God wants you to be His child so that you can reflect His Light, Hope and Love in this dark and hurting world. God wants you to know that the answer to “is suicide the answer?” is a very large NO! Instead, God is the answer to your most desperate need, Christ Jesus is the answer and He can save you, give you Light, Hope and Love – if you will only come to Him and trust Him.
If you don’t know how to do this, I encourage you to reach out to someone who you know can help. If you don’t know anyone, please contact us and share your contact details so that we can get a hold of you and share with you more about the Light, Hope and Love that only God can give.
Suicide is not the answer – there is a better way.
Ndavichi Muluwa